June 15, 2023

Running an Ultra Trail Major for the First Time

Life at Cledara

Our very own Freddie and Viktor share their experience on overcoming one of the hardest challenges they’ve ever faced: finishing Val d’Aran by UTMB® for the first time, an Ultra Trail Major at the heart of the Pyrenees.

Simon Pullen

Cledara and UTMB**

Announcing the third consecutive year of our partnership

Every year, 5,000+ runners test the limits of their body and mind to finish the Val d'Aran by UTMB® race, a unique ultra trail race in the heart of the Pyrenees. The race is considered to be at the pinnacle of Ultra Trail, as it’s one of only three ultra trail majors worldwide that can earn you a ticket to the UTMB® finals.

We found ourselves instantly attracted to UTMB® the minute we heard about it. Overcoming hard challenges, conquering mountains and never giving up quickly resonated with what we do at Cledara.

Today, we are extremely excited to announce that Cledara is sponsoring Val d'Aran by UTMB®! This marks the third consecutive year we’ve sponsored and it is an incredible honor to continue supporting such a prestigious event. We at Cledara truly value the spirit of determination, resilience, and community that Val d'Aran by UTMB® embodies - values that are closely aligned with our own.

The sponsorship allows us to contribute in an impactful way to a community we greatly respect, while also reinforcing our commitment to fostering growth, endurance, and connectivity within and beyond our organization. It is especially significant for us as it symbolically represents the challenges and rewards that come with the journey of entrepreneurship.

As Catherine and Michel Poletti, the UTMB® founders, said in an interview with Cledara, “high-performance business teams convey many of the premises of ultra-trail teachings such as discipline, never giving up and being ready on D-day”. 

Last year, five members of the Cledara team took on the challenge of running the PDA, a 55km trail race with more than 3,300m of climb. With the next edition coming soon, we asked Viktor and Freddie to share their experience and runner tips to celebrate our sponsorship.

PDA race profile

Cledara’s runners, Viktor and Freddie, ran the 55k and +3,300m elevation gain PDA race, a unique track across the Pyrenees that they now hold dear in their memories.

Interviewing Freddie, PDA finisher**

Freddie Argent, SDR team lead at Cledara

What was your experience in running distances like this before?

When I started training, the furthest I had ever ran was just 12km. This made the idea of running this kind of distance very scary, but I was excited about the challenge and knew it was possible.

“The furthest I had ever run was just 12km. This made the idea of running this kind of distance very scary, but I was excited about the challenge and knew it was possible.“

What made you take the challenge of running a 55K and a +3,300m elevation gain ultra trail race?

Initially, I was debating the run as it would be an incredible challenge to myself and a huge test of my fitness and resilience. That sounded like an attractive challenge. Plus I’m a very competitive person, so when I found out other people in my team were taking part I had to do it!

What was your friends and family's reaction when you gave them the news?

As soon as I told my parents, my Mum called me an idiot. At the time I think she saw (more than I did) how big of a challenge this was going to be. My friends also thought I was crazy but were very supportive and excited to see how I would do.

What was the toughest challenge you had and how did you overcome it?

For me, the hardest challenge hit on the final climb about 8km to go. The climb just never seemed to end! I had to sit myself down, eat an energy bar and chill out before setting off again. At this point I was 50km in, my body was already shot and it was purely a mental game. I knew how far I had come and how close I was to the finish, ultimately this is what got me up and through to the finish.

Do you recommend this experience to others? Why?

Definitely! It is the ultimate test of endurance and mental strength. The feeling of accomplishment at the end was like nothing else I have experienced before.

Any advice you would give to this year’s runners?

Make the most out of the checkpoints. Refuel and take on lots of water. Ultimately, enjoy it! You get to run through the most amazing scenery, take it in!

Interviewing Viktor, PDA finisher**

Viktor Andesilic, Account Executive at Cledara

What made you take the challenge of running UTMB’s PDA race, a 55K and +3,300m elevation gain ultra trail race?

The year before when we were in Val d’Aran and the race was happening, I felt guilty to wear the UTMB merch without competing. After seeing the runners finish the race and what they had accomplished, I realized I had to do the same. 

What was your experience in running distances like this before?

Although I run frequently I have literally done nothing like this before. The furthest I ran was around 15K.

What was your friends and family's reaction when you gave them the news?

My mum was definitely not a fan, I think most mothers would be worried if you told them you are running up 3 mountains. I did have full support from family and friends even though they all thought I was nuts!

What was the toughest challenge you had and how did you overcome it?

The toughest challenge I had was not bringing running poles with me. When I got to kilometer 42, the legs started to fail… The last mountain we had to climb was by far the toughest few hours I have ever had. I overcame the pain by partnering up with another runner who was going at a similar pace so we pushed each other until we got to the mountain top.

“The last mountain we had to climb was by far the toughest few hours I have ever had. I overcame the pain by partnering up with another runner who was going at a similar pace so we pushed each other until we got to the mountain top.“

Do you recommend this experience to others? Why?

100% - this is a bucket list event. It definitely gives you a different perspective on life in general and how far you can push the human body - even with no real training it is pretty ridiculous what we can achieve. 

Any advice you would give to this year’s runners?

Bring poles!! And enjoy it :)

Viktor and Freddie post-race

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Simon Pullen

Simon Pullen is Cledara's Talent Acquisition Lead, responsible for spearheading our recruitment efforts. With extensive experience in diverse roles across leading firms, Simon excels in strategic recruitment and change management. His passion for finding top talent and his understanding of market trends is instrumental in building and nurturing our vibrant team.

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